Oh the drama that has followed me the last couple of days!!!! Wednesday I left work with what I thought was the remains of a migraine headache I had the night before. I had a blurred spot in my right eye, so I went down to the school nurse. She suggested that I go to the doctor just in case! My doctor was not available so Marc took me to the ever-dreaded ER. The ER itself was not that bad. Only a few people in the waiting room so I only waited a few minutes to be seen! I get to the back and saw the nurse, vitals were fine. The doctor finally comes in and starts examining me and asking family history questions. She asked the question, "Do you have any family history of strokes?" I had to tell her about my dad who had a stroke at 42. The look that she had next was not what I wanted to see!!!! She immediately switches gears from migraine to TIA (ministroke). Needless to say, I was freaking out!!!!!! Marc was very calm this whole time. The nurse said that the docotor was just covering her basis and not to worry. She actually said the doctor was being a bit extreme!!!!! The last test she wanted to give was an MRI. It could not be done until late that night. She proceeded to tell me that I would be admitted to the hospital. For those of you who don't know me well, I HATE hospitals. I hate the smell, the walls, the mood, the thought of staying there overnight was quite scary for me!!!!! But, before i knew it, i was in a bed in room 262, hooked up to an IV waiting for my MRI!!!! All the tests came back fine. The neurologist confirmed that I just had a migraine!!!!! Seven tests, 29 hours later, he had confirmed my diagnosis!!!!!! Drama! I am very proud of myself for not having even one panic attack in that dreadful place!